Thursday, September 24, 2009

Trike Maniac

Gavin is getting stronger and stronger . . . and loving his trike.

Ignore the grumpy face in this picture. He's happy - I promise. He's always happy riding his trike.


  1. WOW! Karen that is so amazing. His progression is going sooo well. He is so adorable.

  2. Look at that kid go! That is so cool. How does that little contraption work? He is so amazing!

  3. Go Gavin Go! I am so proud of him. I hope one of these days/years...something... we will be able to meet up!

  4. Just peeking in to see what you have been up to. Gavin and Autumn are so cute. It's awesome to see Gavin on the trike and as he grows. He's sure lucky to have such great parents.

  5. SO cute, I loved seeing him ride his trike last time Jeff was is so amazing!

  6. I am not loving how grown up he's looking! I hate when babies grow up too fast. Either way, I am sooo proud that he is accomplishing so much! He is BEAUTIFUL!
