Monday, March 17, 2008

In Honor of St. Patrick's Day

An Old Irish Blessing
May the road rise to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face.
And rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the hollow of His hand.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

"Super Mad" Just Goes Medium

Autumn had her first swimming lesson yesterday . . . and loved it! Ironically, over the last few months, Autumn has been putting on her bathing suit and pretending to be taking swim lessons in her bedroom (there is a very large imaginary pool in the center of her room . . . and she'll let you know if you step in it). I've been planning for these lessons since before her birth (since I'm a terrible swimmer myself) . . . and then the whole poo funk disease spread around last summer and limited our options. So, the first opportunity I found, we jumped on it!

Autumn was so sweet and polite and so attentive with her teacher. She announced to everyone in the locker room afterwards that she "just loved her teacher." She blew bubbles, put her face in the water and kicked and splashed upon command.

She put her arms in the Super Mad position as instructed by her teacher. No . . . that was not a typo. I assumed she learned the Super Man position. But, Autumn quickly corrected me. "No Mom . . . it's Super MaDDDD."

Ahhh . . . ok.

Today, when most of the other kids in the class jumped in the pool with life jackets on . . . and she scooted in . . . I asked her why she didn't decide to "go big."

She informed me, "I just wanted to go medium so I wouldn't get my face in the water."

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Gavin's Birthday Cake #2

In the Peterson tradition, we cannot stop with just one celebration. Despite all of us having coughs and colds, we powered through to make Gavin's birthday special.

Luckily for us, he has just realized that table food is actually quite tasty (and hasn't puked in about a week when eating). It started with pizza on Wednesday and spread to honeydew, peas, pears and meat by Saturday. It gave me hope that maybe Gavin would not only touch his cake, but actually put some in his mouth (and not throw up).

Gavin was very methodical and serious about destroying his cake. He ate much of the piece that we gave him last night . . . but, he was much more artistic with today's new whole cake.

He was very willing to share with his sister. And . . . by the way . . . it was Autumn's idea to strip down. As soon as she saw Gavin sitting with just his diaper for a cake-smashing session . . . she couldn't resist and declared, "I have to get naked and help Gavin." And, so she did (nothing can stop her once she sets her mind to stripping down and/or getting in the bath).

And, of course, this naked, cake-eating-smashing fun was followed by a bubbly bath for two.

Gavin's First Birthday Cake